Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to a few frequently asked questions about subliminal hypnosis and other topics being discussed:
  • Why have I have targeted?   There's most likely something about you that's unwelcome where you live - it could be anything.
  • Is it Tinnitus?   YES.   It doesn't matter if others around you hear nothing.  But identify whether it's due to a perception or an actual sound.
    • Why do I hear it but others around me don't?   It's most likely a perception.
    • How can it range from being very loud to going unnoticed?   The apparent loudness of a perception is directly related to your awareness of it.  Trying focusing on it as long as possible.
  • Is it Hypnosis?   YES.  Anytime awareness is manipulated it's technically hypnosis.  Any other definition of hypnosis doesn't really define anything.
    • Does it require a hypnotist/trust relationship?   NO.   And that's BAD.    The safeguards from a trained professional hypnotist that's built some level of trust with the person are thrown out the window.
    • Can it work on anyone?   PRETTY MUCH.   Also very bad.   For virtually all individuals it will work to a greater extent than they'll be comfortable with.   Given enough time it won't matter what you're comfortable with.
      • Can it make someone say or do something they don't want to do?   PRETTY  MUCHThat's bad beyond belief.   For no other reason than a situation to make you say or do something you don't want to do can be hidden from your own mind until it happens.
      • Can it injure someone?   YES or NO depending on which online source you like better.
        • Does it have side effects?
        • Can it cause schizophrenia?
        • Can it cause dissociation?
        • Can it cause personality disorders?
    • Is it Schizophrenia?   MAYBE.   It's possible for the voice trying to get you're attention to be the result of hypnosis.  In that case the answer could technically be YES.
      • Why do some people hear a voice trying to get their attention?   There's always 2 voices.  You're unaware of the other voice which is giving suggestions/commands through subliminal hypnosis.
      • Why do some people hear a second voice behind the one trying to get their attention?  You're hearing both voices.  One is to distract and the other to hypnotize.
      • What if it's being done but you don't hear anything?   There's 2 possible answers to this:
        1. NOT GOOD - Both voices are subliminal to you.  To the extent you're suggestible you can be made to do whatever you're told and you won't know it.
        2. BETTER -  It's not being directed at you.  Someone else may be the intended target.  A suggestion as simple as 'if you wear a wedding ring' is all that's needed to target one person out of a group.
    • Can Hypnosis be used to cause Schizophrenia?   YES.   It's currently being used to do just that by researchers testing theories about how schizophrenia works.  Volunteers are hypnotized and given suggestions to hear voices.
    • Is it Assault?   UNKNOWN.  But trying to convince myself it's not assault hasn't worked so far.
    • Is it an Invasion of Privacy?   UNKNOWN.   But because of how the hypnosis is done it's easily perceived that way.  Perception is not the same as reality so there's room to argue no physical privacy is invaded. Privacy - as far one's mind is concerned - is shredded and trampled.
    • Is it used to mimic other Medical Conditions or Substance Abuse?   YES.   This is unacceptable.
    • Is it difficult to Detect and Stop?   NO to detect.   YES to stop.

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