Glossary of Terms

Current Terms

Hypnotist/Director/Orchestrator (HDO) - Someone(s) managing a group/team working to infiltrate an individual or group remotely using subliminal suggestion/hypnosis.  Questions are posed to those being infiltrated and responses are gathered by the SC.

Spotter/Counter (SC) - Someone(s) listening/identifying involuntary responses to questions being posed by the HDO.

Invisible/Question - A question posed using subliminal hypnosis with the intent to avoid detection by the conscious part of the mind and trigger a response from the unconscious.

Question/Mask - Anything used to hide a question from the conscious part of the mind.  Could be recalling a memory, hearing a few seconds of music, or zoning out with a blank expresion.  It needs to keep the conscious part of the mind preoccupied so it misses the question.

Blinder/Perception Filter - Using hypnosis to hide something from an individuals awareness.  This is used to get around an individual's unconscious part of their mind from warning them something bad is happening.  Information about something is kept but awareness is lost making them unable to talk or act on the information.

Struck/Dumb - The effect achieved when subliminal hypnosis is used to intentionally impair someone's ability to think, reason, and access memory.  The equivalent of a lifetime of concussions applied in an instant.  If an individual becomes consciously aware of what's being done they become a threat.  Striking them dumb takes away the ability to comprehend and understand so the individual loses the functioning of their own mind.

Impending/Doom - The effect achieved when subliminal hypnosis is used to create the feeling like an individual's world is about to end.  Begins as a feeling of anxiety which grows to panic and then paranoia. Should not be used on individuals with heart or other medical conditions.

Retired Terms

These terms are no longer in use.  They originated in the casino/gambling industry so their use gave away where the technology originated.

"Went over their head"

"Near miss"

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