Wednesday, December 2, 2020



It's likely you're here for information on schizophrenia.

This blog covers schizophrenia and other medical conditions but not as you might expect.  If you aren't experiencing or seeing what's described here in at least 2 cities in the central part of the country then you don't know how fortunate you are.  Please go back to Google for searching.

If you're here for information about any of the medical conditions below:

  • Tinnitus
  • Paranoia
  • Panic Attacks
  • Anxiety
  • Dementia
  • Cognitive Impairment
  • Retrograde Amnesia
  • Schizophrenia
And if you're also here because the person diagnosed (or not diagnosed but the symptoms are a good match) can't shake one or more feelings that:
  • The medical condition is not what it appears.
  • That part of their own mind is trying to get their attention.
  • That part of their own mind is trying to warn them.
  • That people they've known for awhile suddenly seem like strangers.
  • That people they've known for awhile are now different.
  • That the people who care about them and support them are getting things backwards.
  • That the people who care about them and support then have started having the same problems but they don't see it and won't believe it.
Be warned that the cause of the feelings listed above are subliminal techniques and hypnosis.
So if you're of the opinion that:
  • Hypnosis is NOT real
  • Good intentions make up for the WORST things imaginable.
This is the wrong site for information... please look elsewhere.

At this point you may have no solid evidence from your situation to show that somethings not quite right.  There's a section below with instructions on how to get the evidence you'll need.

As far as who's responsible for this being allowed... just use your imagination for the time being.
You never know who will take a bad idea and run with it.


Not to be too cynical...  But it can start with hearing one word out of thin air nearby.  It could be your own name in a whisper or spoken quietly.  For some reason that won't seem as strange and out of place as it should.

Next ,you probably won't notice as your perception of what's taking place is slowly distorted.  It's being replaced with an illusion built specifically to fool your senses.  How is that possible?  Because part of your own mind is being forced into building it.  It's a nice trick to know.

That distortion of perception is why you'll start believing things you know can't be true.  Reason your way through that as many times as you want. Things you know are logically impossible will soon be things you think are happening.

It's not normal for a mind to get to that state.  But it doesn't "just happen" on it's own for adults.  What gives away the reason it's occurring?  How perception gets distorted and warped... only hypnosis (intentionally used on someone in this case) is capable of doing that.  Even so, some things defy explanation:
To ensure that as few others as possible will believe what your actually experiencing (no matter how clearly and accurately you describe it), expect to be targeted in the following areas:
  • What you do in your free time
  • Who you associate with (friends and acquaintances)
  • How you manage your finances
  • Any legal situations you have
So after taking inventory of your situation we might find the following:
  • You're hearing (and probably perceiving) voices
    • They can be saying things you'd never say
    • They might have accents you don't have or recognize
    • They can be saying things you've never thought of
    • But they shouldn't be saying things you've never heard before or don't know the meaning of - that would be a red flag
  • You're perception of reality doesn't match the actuality
    • You probably won't have a way to know that until someone politely points it out
    • The assumption will be substance abuse.  Who gave it to you?
  • You're having problems recalling and retaining memories
    • The assumption will be dementia.  What did you do to cause that?
    • You're not as young as you used to be.
  • You're having problems with applying logic and reasoning
    • The assumption will be you sleep too much or too little.  Why can't you get out or go to bed?
  • You're talking to yourself or referencing yourself in the third person
    • The assumption will be psychosis.  What is your unconscious trying to tell you?
  • You're having problems with depression or mood regardless of how you're doing
    • The assumption might be alcohol abuse if you drink or cough syrup if you don't.  Why can't you have a soda?
  • Depending on whether you're trying to explain what's happening to someone or have just figured out something important
    • The pace you normally move and speak will increase before you realize it
    • The assumption will be substance abuse.  Where is it?
Hopefully that covers it.  Find someone who knows hypnosis can do this and knows how to stop it.  If that's not possible there are details to look for that can identify hypnosis as the cause.  That needs to be your first step or you might go under before convincing anyone it's not just "in your head" or imaginary.
Hypnosis isn't the only way that schizophrenia can start but the underlying mechanism is the same.  These strategies are simple, don't require medication to try, and address it at the source.
For the purpose of gaining an understanding of what your perceiving (and address the underlying uncertainty, confusion, and doubt that often feeds schizophrenia) here are some descriptions of the underlying workings for hearing voices.
Oh and it doesn't matter which medication you're convinced to take so everyone's sure it's not just "in your head".  Every single one of them - please quote me on this - is a Placebo.  Whether it's a $1 pill or a $30 pill it's only value is giving your unconscious a point to try and let go.  So opt for the pill with the fewest side effects.


I'm not an expert on hypnosis by any means.  I may not even qualify as particularly knowledgeable.  But I can point you to enough information for understanding the basics.  Just 2 reads should be required to make sense of the things described here:

  1. Pick one of the following - the 1st link being a summary and pass through to the 2nd:
  2. Patent (original disclosure) For Mixing Audio Subliminal Recordings
There's a few things to keep in mind while reading those:
  • The patent has some (probably intentional) omissions.  They allow a patent to be filed and granted without giving away key details
  • Normal audible sound (often forward masked by a tinnitus) isn't the only way to hide something subliminally.  There's also:
    • RF (radio frequencies) - makes what's heard a perception
    • Ultrasound - makes audible sound when it comes into contact with the body
    • Infrasound - makes audible sound by way of the inner ear through physical contact
  • A more accurate way to describe the use of stereo (2 channels) is to target the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind separately.  Not necessarily the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
  • The recordings are a male voice, female voice, and a child's voice and delivered in round-robin fashion.  When the content of the message is to hear explicit or implicit words, sentences, or statements (schizophrenia) it creates a choice between which type of voice to hear it in.  It's the unconscious part of the mind that makes this choice.  Those induced to have schizophrenia this way can sometimes hear 1 or more of 3 different statements.  Which one they hear results from the 3 statements presented to the unconscious followed by a command to 'Pick One!'.  The individual will hear the statement corresponding to their own gender and the primary voice chosen:
    • 'He's one of his'  or  'She's one of his'
    • 'He's one of hers'  or  'She's one of hers'
    • 'He's one of those'  or  'She's one of those'
If you factor those points in when it comes to sneaking messages into the mind... you'll understand well enough.

RF (radio frequencies)

I don't have anything against RF in principle.  But I do have an issue when a person's own cell phone at close proximity is made to continuously transmit analog RF at the power levels wanted.  That's incredibly dangerous to everyone but it takes the greatest toll on older and younger individuals.  You'd almost think it was a yearly flu by the demographic it hurts the most.  To name a few of it's affects:

  • Muscle tremors through the entire body (if the RF is close enough to cause it anywhere it causes it everywhere)
  • Heart palpitations (a secondary effect from muscles)
  • Labored breathing (another secondary effect)
Those responsible for assaulting individuals through their own cell phones should be publicly humiliated and executed.  Please quote me on that too.

Haunted House Effects

There's nothing quite like a physical force that can reach out and grab you on an arm or leg but is completely invisible to our sight.  [Add more details]


Every one of the HOW TOs listed here are bad ideas without exception.  All but the last one belong to these unnamed harassers.  These individuals are the source of them but they're listed here so no one can claim ignorance of what's been occurring in St. Louis. 

These are some of the key principles to how these harassers operate and avoid being caught:
  • Misdirection
    • Creating an impression that each situation or event is backwards or reversed from how it actually is.
      • If you think something you're noticing is reaching you from above then check below your feet first (and vice versa).
      • If you think a neighbor must have a device causing noise you hear then check your own electronics and cell phone first.
        • It's almost certainly not a neighbor though these individuals would love to see you get in a fight with one.
      • If you hear taunts and insults and think it must be from the walls or floors check your own TV, laptop, and cell phone first (more on that later).
  • Impersonating anything and everything considered "spooky" or "ghost like"
    • Whether you believe in such things or not doesn't matter.
    • These are individuals who hide behind those beliefs and use them to manipulate others.
  • Intimidation and threats
    • They have no more power or control than you give them.
    • Ignoring them is simple and easy and is the best way to deal with them.
    • Their tactics of intimidation and threats mainly take the form of dirty looks given when they're sitting in parked cars with the headlights on and engines running with no where to go.
    • Some other ways to identify them:
      • Quick (and dangerous) engine revving U-turns to draw attention.
      • Use of undocumented hardware features in cell phones to:
        • Remotely cause nearby cell phones to switch into analog mode and continuously transmit RF.  That can cause the cell phone's owner to experience symptoms like:
          • Muscle tremors through the entire body (if the RF is close enough to cause it anywhere it causes it everywhere)
          • Heart palpitations (a secondary effect from muscles)
          • Labored breathing (another secondary effect)
  • Subliminal manipulation and techniques to both simulate schizophrenia or induce schizophrenia
    • Done mostly while a person is sleeping with recordings played at extremely low audio levels.
    • Those can easily be mistaken for the person's own thoughts or ideas - and it's intended to be mistaken as exactly that.
    • Once a person wakes up, what was played while they sleep can be heard throughout the day as it's triggered by related thoughts or ideas or events.
    • Examples where hypnosis is used:
      • A feeling of being watched that can range from the perception of a single person looking at you to the perception of being in front of a crowd or audience.
        • After this trick of awareness has been used for awhile the person is goaded to say or yell things like:
          • "I don't care!!"
          • "Who cares about privacy!"
        • The intent is to accustom the person to feeling like their privacy is being invaded and taken away until they forget it exists and it stops being part of the issue.
      • Subliminal hypnosis is used to give the person being harassed a "suggestion" to say a particular word or phrase out loud.  A second "suggestion" is also given that uses the person's own awareness of saying it to trigger hearing a response phrase like "Did he/she say it?"  
        • Other response phrases triggered by the person's own awareness:
          • 'We got 'em.'
          • 'Was a near miss!'
          • 'Went over his/her head.'  (as though one voice were talking to another one)
          • 'Now are you gonna talk to us?"
      • It's also possible to hear almost nothing as a response but have an impression of one or more people doing "busy work" to try and confirm that something was said out loud.  It can be accompanied by a building feeling of anxiety or apprehension before being resolved (to nothing, of course).
      • Here's a list of actual "suggestions"/commands that were attempted over the course of 4 years:
        • Actual attempts to use subliminal hypnosis
        • Not all of the attempts listed were successful
        • That's at least partly due to the nature of subliminal messages in general:
          • It's subliminal when it's not consciously heard.
          • If it's consciously heard it's not subliminal
  • Involving 3rd parties
    • Sometimes they'll include others in the harassment (either aware or unaware) like businesses or the general public.
    • This is done misstating or leaving out pertinent information as part of involving others.
    • If you think this is occurring don't act out or react in any way that affects your employment or acknowledges what may be occurring:
      • At this point you're dealing with bullies so remember: NEVER GIVE A BULLY WHAT THEY WANT.
      • You may avoid any major confrontation but you'll only help make it worse for the next person who's bullied.
      • Simply document every incident.

Inversion of Cause and Effect

You may find yourself experiencing difficulty with recognizing cause and effect.  It's not that your thought process has broken down.  It's because your perception is being intentionally skewed.

If it should seem like your mind's being read...  that's because it's not.

It's an example where the perception of cause and effect has been reversed.  What you may have on your mind or in your thoughts was planted.  And it's very easy for that to be done.

Should someone mean you harm then an idea, thought, even a song can be subliminally presented to you as your own.  If you then buy into it as your own it can be used to inflict harm on multiple levels.  Know your own mind and thoughts.


This blog is about guidance for navigating this type of harassment situation.  It's not about putting steps online so anyone can become a harasser.   And the HOW TO instructions are technically incomplete if you don't have some background in the areas of study involved.

Expect each set of instructions to have a Guidance section on how to deal with it and gather evidence.  Should you have reason to believe subliminal hypnosis is part of a harassment situation, spend as much time as you can reading a book or magazine.  It may sound incredibly stupid but it works.
There's no reason to think these things will be allowed forever once known, and if stopped permanently... no one will have to try and "thread the needle" by keeping their job, gathering evidence and exposing it while being harassed.


So... at some point I apparently did something that required having my mind picked apart.

Without pointing any fingers... there may have been someone in my past more petty and vindictive than appears on the surface.  If you find a very odd list of questions somewhere you know as much as I do.

Regardless, my mind was supposed to be picked apart quickly.  It was supposed to go smoothly.  I would never know it was done or have any idea who it was.

That's very much backward from what happened. 

Some part of me resented it being done and the way it was done.  The word fairness doesn't normally get brought up when discussing the unconscious part of the mind.  Whatever was at issue seems to be related to it somehow.

The end result of all this?

Something that appears on the surface to be schizophrenia. - Report: Nonlethal Weapons Could Target Brain, Mimic Schizophrenia - The Microwave Scream Inside Your Skull

I'm not sure why but part of me was given the impression if it can't be proven then it didn't happen.

I keep hearing a voice say "Prove it!' in my head as a reminder.  If I was able to hear the thoughts belonging to the unconscious part of my mind right now I'd be flipping whoever said 'Prove it!' the bird.

    Bird = Theory

I tend to listen to my unconscious.

Please bear with me as details are added.

Primary References:


  • Technical Overview
    • Obfuscation
      • Making Occam's razor worthless
    • Misdirection
      • It's all about slight-of-hand and perception
    • Interchangeable Techniques
      • Every technique has a backup and you should expect cause and effect to often be perceived backwards.
        • Hearing voices - simulated schizophrenia
          • RF (radio frequency)
            • There are now phone apps available that can create effects previously available to only a few groups worldwide.
          • Ultrasound
            • There are now phone apps available that can create the effects of a parametric speaker using a cell phone.
            • Alternate technologies can also be used to generate ultrasound.
              • Piezoelectric transducers
          • Infrasound
            • There are both phone apps available and alternate technologies to generate infrasound for the effect.
            • Works best when the person is physically in contact with what's generating the infrasound.
        • Forcing dissociation of the mind by drawing unconscious awareness
          • RF (radio frequency)
            • Purchase an inexpensive RF meter or use a free phone app to see if any is present at unexplainable levels.
          • EMF (oscillating AC magnetic field)
            • Purchase an inexpensive EMF meter or use a free phone app to see if the floor, walls, or ceiling have an AC magnetic field present at unexplainable levels.
            • Residential or business electrical wiring will NOT give off a reading when it's done properly.
    • Gaining your trust
      • They may try convincing you they're any of the following (but they also will be happy to masquerade as anything you think they could be):
        • Angels
        • Demons
        • Visitors
        • Guides
        • Messengers
        • Spirits - ghosts of people or relatives you've known
          • This is one of the most likely to fool someone.
          • Consider the likelihood of also coincidently encountering someone who claims to be Eastern European and a medium/psychic in the same time frame.  If it should happen don't hesitate to note as much as possible about this helpful 'soul'.
    • Uncertainty
      • Uncertainty is introduced at every step along the way to make is as difficult as possible to ascertain what's occurring.
      • Examples:
        • You may get the impression that you're being actively listened to and your privacy is being invaded.  Then that can switch to having the impression that what's being done is one-way only - you're being subjected to the things described here blindly with the one's responsible remaining unaware of the impact.
          • It's safest to assume your privacy is being violated and your rights are being illegally broken.
        • One minute you have the impression that the one's responsible are your friends and are trying to help you.  The next minute they're trying to embarrass, humiliate, and sabotage you (taunts and threats are optional).
          • It's a tactic to wear down and mentally exhaust someone.  Expect this constant switch from friend to foe to occur and you can keep from being fooled by it.
    • Rules of Engagement
      • They don't exist to make the situation fair or equal - only to handicap the unconscious part of the mind from doing it's job and protecting the person targeted.
      • It's probably no coincidence that these rules are the same ones that schizophrenia operates by.

    • Gang Stalking
      • If tall his sounds suspiciously like gang stalking...  you're not far off.
      • These techniques being used on individuals are the basis for gang stalking.
  • Frequently Asked Questions
    • Why have I have targeted?
    • Is it Tinnitus?
      • Why do I hear it but others around me don't?
      • How can it range from being very loud to going unnoticed? 
    • Is it Hypnosis?
      • Does it require a hypnotist/trust relationship?
      • Can it work on anyone?
      • Can it make someone say or do something they don't want to do?
      • Can it injure someone?
        • Does it have side effects?
        • Can it cause schizophrenia?
        • Can it cause dissociation?
        • Can it cause personality disorders?
    • Is it Schizophrenia?
      • Why do some people hear a voice trying to get their attention?
      • Why do some people hear a second voice behind the one trying to get their attention?
      • What if it's being done but you don't hear anything?
    • Can Hypnosis be used to cause Schizophrenia? 
    • Is it Assault?
    • Is it an Invasion of Privacy?
    • Is it used to mimic other Medical Conditions or Substance Abuse?
    • Is it difficult to Detect and Stop?
    • What is Thrall?
  • Gathering Evidence
    • You're going to need evidence of what's occurring before anyone takes the situation seriously.  Here's what you'll need to do that:
      • Cell phone - can be Android or iPhone but you'll need to install apps (all of which are free):
        • Required - an app for detecting magnetic fields.  Search for "EMF detector" from the appropriate App Store to find a free one.  When using the app you can tell an AC magnetic field from a non AC magnetic field by whether the app picks up the reading even when the phone is stationary.  If you have to move the phone to register a reading then it's a permanent magnet or DC magnetic field.  Those aren't an issue.  Below are free apps known to work:
          • Android
            • -
          • iPhone
            • -
        • Optional - an app for detecting RF sources.  There's only a few free ones available (and they can be finicky about the phone they're running on) so your best bet may be a cheap RF meter ($8 to $12)
  • Deception
    • No, you did not agree to it consciously, unconsciously, or otherwise.
    • No, this is not something temporary until it 'can be worked out'.
    • No, it wasn't done accidentally to you or an innocent mistake.
    • No, you don't deserve to have it done to you for any reason.
    • No, it's not a dream though it may seem that way and memories of each day fade quickly.
    • Yes, it can have many of the same characteristics of Night Terrors.
  • Defensive Mechanisms
    • When a person sees someone listening to them (whether obviously or discretely) it can be dealt with.
    • When a person gets the feeling they're being listened to (with no one around) little direct action can be taken.
    • Assuming an actual mental illness is NOT the root problem then indicators of some kind must exist to create the feeling:
      • Sound outside the normal range of hearing which makes it subliminal:
        • Ultrasonic noise, voices, or music
        • Very low volume noise, voices, or music
      • Perception outside the normal senses:
        • Frequencies of electromagnetic radiation like microwave or radio
      • Item moved slightly or taken all together without being immediately noticed (someone having gained access to a home or vehicle).
      • Signal from another person:
        • Innuendo, insinuation, or suggestion
      • Shift in awareness from the person's own unconscious
    • Lacking direct evidence that either proves or disproves it can lead to a person developing mechanisms to cope with it:
      • Ending things said out loud with "stop talking to yourself".
      • Referring to themselves in the third person
    • By doing this a person makes it clear they're NOT intentionally or unintentionally conversing with anyone else should it be occurring
  • Conflict of Interest
    • This is a personal opinion.
    • The International Hearing Voices Network ( is unknowingly making the goals much easier to achieve for anyone using the techniques described on this blog
      • Encouraging a person hearing voices to "talk back to them" isn't helpful or beneficial advice for ANY CONCEIVABLE CONTEXT
        • But getting someone to talk out loud IS the primary goal for those targeting a person with induced schizophrenia
      • Motivation
        • Receiving bad advice can and will happen
        • When bad advice from one source is the best advice in the world to another it should raise a red flag.
      • Talking to 'them'
        • DO NOT TALK TO THEM - it's simple to say but won't be easy to do
        • That's because SUBLIMINAL HYPNOSIS IS BEING USED to:
          • Get you to talk out loud (even if  initially only to yourself)
          • Get you to think you've started talking to them
        • Once you're talking out loud then SUBLIMINAL HYPNOSIS is again used to:
          • Alter your perception of the situation
          • Alter your perception of who's doing it to you
          • Get you to speak out of character
          • Get you to speak with intent (and with what seems like free will) to whoever's doing it to you
        • DON'T GO OUTSIDE to talk to them.
          • It doesn't matter if it's just another deception or not.
    • Hypnosis can keep a person from knowing what's going on around them.
    • Hypnosis can be used to hide memories and actual items.
      • Have you ever lost your keys when they were right in front of you?
      • Have you ever forgotten where an important item was located?
    • How easily can you be misdirected and confused?
  • Detection
    • There are NO ghosts, NO apparitions, NO poltergeists
    • How to tell if it's through your cell phone, laptop, or tablet
      • Is the battery draining much faster than usual?
      • Are calls not getting through?
        • Is the phone not ringing or showing a missed call?
        • Is the call going straight to voice mail?
      • Have you noticed any symptoms of being close to an RF source?
        • Do you have an uncomfortable feeling in your muscles that makes holding still difficult for very long?
        • Even when able to relax do you find yourself uncomfortable again within less than a minute?
        • Do you have very small, sharp, pains in your muscles when you stretch like getting stuck with needles?
        • Does your body feels like it's being slowly squeezed?
        • Do your eyes feel like they're being slowly squeezed or bugging out?
        • Are you having problems with memory easily mistaken for dementia?
        • Are you having problems with logic and reasoning easily mistaken for mental illness or substance abuse?
        • Are you noticing any loss of coordination or balance?
      • Do the symptoms stop if you isolate the cell phone, laptop, or tablet when not in use?
    • How to find the source when it's not your cell phone, laptop, or tablet
      • Check for a nearby RF source.
        • Do you have a piece of 16 gauge sheet metal about the size of a sheet of paper (steel or aluminum will work)?
          • Hold the piece of sheet metal about 1 foot in front of your face like a mask you were about to put on.
          • Walk around and look in every direction while holding the sheet metal in front of your face.
          • When you feel heat radiating from the metal against your face (even though the metal stays cool to the touch) you're facing a source of RF.
        • Can you perceive a small opposing force against your hand when a strong enough RF signal is reflected from a cell phone screen's surface?
          • If you can then try holding the phone at different angles and moving whichever hand is NOT dominant towards it with an open palm.
          • When you perceive a small amount of opposing force (that seems to slow your hand down or stop it) it means the phone's screen is towards the direction of the RF source (if you took a selfie pic right then the source would be in the pic, if visible).
        • For Android, download the app 'RF Signal Tracker'
          • Find an RF source by it's signal strength
          • Walk around while watching the signal strength until it's strongest (that would be a lower negative (-) number for the dBm (decibel-milliwatts).  Yes, a negative number being stronger seems backwards).
          • The RF source might not be visible due to a building's structure
        • For iPhone, you're currently screwed
        • Otherwise the cheapest RF meter should work ($8 to $12 online)
      • Is an RF source a metal object on the floor (like a floor lamp)?
        • Weird. I have 2 floor lamps that are RF sources...
        • Check for an AC magnetic field under/around the object.
          • For Android, download any free app for detecting magnetic fields
          • For iPhone, download any free app for detecting magnetic fields
          • Otherwise the cheapest EMF meter should work ($20 online)
        • Is there an AC magnetic field under/around the object?
          • Call your electric utility, gas utility, water utility and report it to each.
          • Be prepared for nothing to be done or finger pointing to ensue.
            • Some electric utilities will not allow engineers inside a residence.
            • An electrical engineer provided with an EMF meter SHOULD HAVE REASON to find something wrong - but they may not. You'll be told to hire an electrician or to contact maintenance.
              • An electrician hired by you provided with an EMF meter SHOULD/ WILL HAVE REASON to find something wrong.
              • But you don't know if  the person arriving at your door will do their job correctly or turn a blind eye.
            • The gas utility will have no reason to find anything wrong.  You'll be told to contact maintenance.
            • The water utility will have no reason to find anything wrong.  You'll be told to contact maintenance.
            • Maintenance will have no way to identify a problem or cause.
              • Is you electricity on?
              • Is your gas on?
              • Is your water on?
              • Is anything overheating or overloading?
              • Is there anything at all to connect the AC magnetic field to the RF source to a visible issue that can be acted on?
              • But you do still have a problem...
        • If power is turned off to the residence does the AC magnetic field weaken?
          • No?  Well at least you aren't paying the bill.
          • Yes?  Call your electric utility.
            • If they won't enter then ask them to stand in the doorway so you can demonstrate.
            • Be a squeaky wheel
    • How to find the cause for Tinnitus
      • Are you hearing any high pitched noise?
      • Are you experiencing a temporary ringing in your ears?
  • Key Elements
    • Tinnitus
    • Voices "in your head"
      • There are 3 ways to achieve the effect
        • They become interchangeable when hypnosis is used to hide awareness of small differences between them
      • RF (radio frequency) Effect
        • Many metal objects can be RF transmitters
        • After a period of conditioning it's possible to perceive voices
      • Ultrasound
        • Parametric (Directive) Speaker
        • Even a cell phone, laptop, or tablet speaker can produce ultrasound
      • Infrasound
        • Any speaker in direct contact with the body
        • Who doesn't have a cell phone?
    • Misdirecting Blame
      • Names are used explicitly (less commonly done) and implicitly through hypnosis to create the false impression you're hearing:
        • Family Members
        • Friends
        • Co-workers
        • Local Law Enforcement - can be effective to misdirect blame to but also creates perception problems for them over time
      • More often it's subliminal hypnosis used to pull names from a person's own awareness so they're seamlessly inserted in what's being heard
        • The names of those interacted with more recently/more often will typically be heard most
          • How awareness is used by hypnosis
      • Distorting Perception
        • The significance of relationships and cause/effect between what a person remembers or perceives is distorted using hypnosis
          • Can suddenly make the least likely explanation of what's occurring seem like an absolute certainty
          • Can suddenly make it seem like a trusted relative or friend is plotting against you
        • This is done in combination with a sense of EXTREME URGENCY and a DISCONNECT FROM CONSEQUENCES
          • Urgency is added to try and manipulate the person intog quick action without thinking things through
          • Disconnecting actions from their consequences makes it ever easy to manipulate the person into quick action
        • Just as quickly as significance can be distorted it can be restored leaving a person confused and disoriented
          • If the person quickly acted on the distorted perception they can say or do something to embarrass or humiliate themselves
          • Can undermine their job and lead to them being placed on leave or fired
  • Process
    • An assault on the unconscious part of the mind
      • Goes on day and night.
    • An assault on the hearing
      • High pitched noise
      • Tinnitus
      • Reduces ability to locate the source of sounds
    • Psychological warfare
      • 'A mistake was made.'
      • 'Sorry, but once it starts it can't be stopped.'
      • 'We're trying to get you out.'
      • 'It's not going to stop until you answer our questions.'
      • 'We're never letting you out.'
      • 'Hey you!  Hey you!  Over here... BAM! I gotcha/You're dead.'

Should you want to make use of the HOW TO instructions below, you need a way to deliver hypnotic suggestions to a person in a way that can't be recognized.  If suggestions are given over a megaphone or speaker or anything audible that's noticeable you're inviting a lawsuit of epic proportions.  I'd recommend suggestions be delivered through unconscious perception outside of a person's usual conscious perception.

These HOW TO items could be combined into one, but there's value in showing them individually.  They're the easiest ones to identify when being attempted once you catch on.  The technique is to inject specific words into conversations using someone not aware they're doing it.  When timed to happen  with other subliminal hypnosis suggestions they can quickly destabilize a person
  • HOW TO: Use a person to unknowingly harass another (harassment by proxy)
  • HOW TO: Use a person to unknowingly threaten and intimidate another (also by proxy)

  • HOW TO: Use a person to unknowingly say or do things to cause paranoia in another

  • HOW TO: Use a person to unknowingly make other instructions detailed more effective

For each HOW TO detailed there will eventually be measures listed for protecting oneself from them.  But since they all have one defense in common it's named here - awareness.   Awareness of something that could be done to anyone (unless you're somehow psychic there won't be advance notice) and awareness of how it's done is arguably the best form of protection.
  • HOW TO: Cause a person to relay their location and details as they travel
    • This assumes the person has a cell phone with them and voice recognition is enabled.
    • Install a hidden spy app on the phone to record and forward on anything said out loud around the phone
      • Can convert speech into text so data limits aren't affected
      • Texts can be sent then deleted without the owner ever seeing them
    • Using subliminal hypnosis give the person one or more of the following suggestions:
      • 'Let him/her say "Lane change" when they become aware they're changing lanes'
      • 'Whenever he/she becomes aware of a street sign say it out loud.'
      • 'When he/she becomes aware they're returning home say "homeward" out loud.'
  • HOW TO: Create an imperfect copy of a person online
    • Description
      • Create duplicate copies of a person online that show up in searches on:
        • Spokeo
        • WhitePages
        • PeopleSearch
    •  Steps in the Process
      1. Create variations on a person's name (aliases) and open different types of accounts using those variations:
        • Email accounts
        • Social Networks
        • Bank accounts (no deposit or minimal balance)
        • Credit card accounts (no annual fee)
      2. Include the person's actual phone number when creating the accounts
        • Causes search sites to automatically link the alias to real information
      3. Use addresses with small differences or in entirely different parts of the country
        • Anyone trying to find the actual person wastes time chasing ghosts
  • HOW TO: Acclimate a person to being told lies
    • -
  • HOW TO: Avoid having any conversation with a person by phone or text
    • -
  • HOW TO: Condition a person to see someone as they remember them (not as they are)
    • -
  • HOW TO: Take a person hostage in their own home
    • Steps in the Process
      1. As an invited guest in someone's home, take over a small space (it may be an offered space).
      2. Make it known to the resident they're unwelcome anywhere near the space:
        • Never explicitly say that to them
        • Communicate it with suggestive language or nonverbally
        • Be sure and say it to others with the expectation of it getting back to them
      3. Increase the size of the unwelcome space  little by little until it covers the entire residence.
      4. Be moody and distant to discourage conversation
      5. Say it's not something you can just control.
        • Use insults when possible
      6. Should questions about the situation get asked:
        • Ignore them
        • Respond with a raised voice (words aren't important and they don't need to make sense)
        • Escalate to a shouting voice (words aren't important but put the resident on the defensive)
        • Use aggressive posturing and body language
      7. Should the resident ask you to leave:
      • Start making threats
      • Escalate to physical violence
    • Example
  • HOW TO: Compromise a person's ability to pay a utility bill
    • Steps in the Process
      1. Using the person's address (assuming a rental property) put the the utility in someone else's name
      2. Change the account to use paperless billing
      3. Make all payments for the account until the mistake is identified
      4. The money will be credited back to you and the person held responsible for all payments made
  • HOW TO: Make a person identify themselves (by any given criteria) without realizing it
    • Source reference:
    • Goal is the find, catalog, and change the person into a mirror image of themselves to erase any given criteria from a society
    • Steps in Process
    • -
  • HOW TO: Shadow a person from an adjacent apartment
    • Needed: RANGE-R or other hand held radar device.
      • For locating the person in their apartment as accurately as possible
        • Able to tell where someone is in an adjacent apartment by movement
        • Even a person's normal breathing causes enough movement in the chest to be detected
    • Steps in the Process
      1. Rent an apartment or property in the same building as the person (if they moved in next door and you're trying to get them to vacate... you're already good)
      2. While the person is in their apartment, locate their position with the handheld radar device.
      3. If you're above the person, loudly walk to the same location they're at below you and stand there above them
      4. When they move, you should move too.
        • You want them to become aware its occurring
        • Then they'll try to figure out if their imagining it, it's coincidences, or real
      5. Move your furniture to be located above theirs.
        • That way you won't always need to stand above them.
      6. Be prepared for a confrontation once the person decides it's not their imagination or coincidences
        • Practice an innocent look/expression
        • Just play dumb - you have no idea what they're talking about
  • HOW TO: Cause a person to embarrass and humiliate themselves without drawing suspicion
    • Source reference: Patient 0
    • Uses a long range approach
      • Is set in motion months or years before it occurs
      • Allows time to distance oneself from circumstances that could draw suspicion
      • Is an attempt to induce psychosis in the person targeted
      • While fighting to keep their sanity, the person should embarrass and humiliate themselves without requiring additional action
        • Hypnosis can be used to cause the person to reveal details about themselves while thinking they're catching those responsible
        • Frame shifting enables this by substituting an illusion for the real context of the details
        • Types of details that can be revealed:
          • Damaging
          • Incriminating
          • Embarrassing
          • Humiliating
          • Imaginary
      • While trying to warn others and explain what's happening, the person's relationships are damaged or destroyed
        • Family
        • Friends
        • Coworkers
    • Steps in the process
    1. One or more individuals begin exhibiting strange or suspicious behavior around the person
    2. Stress the person mentally and physically
    3. Alter the person's physiology to ensure a psychosis will result (optional)
      • Setup a magnetron (microwave generator) within effective range of where the person sleeps
        • Run the magnetron at night during their deepest sleep
        • Setup an RF transmitter and broadcast a modulated signal containing recordings of speech
        • This will condition the person's mind to perceive voices when near any RF source
        • Use phrases intended to draw awareness
          • 'Hey you!  Hey you!  Over here!'
          • 'Watch what happens next.'
          • 'Want to see what happens next?'
      • Continue for between 4 and 8 weeks
      • Person should slowly begin showing symptoms of schizophrenia
    4. Follow up by repeating the strange or suspicious behaviors
      • Should cause increasing amounts of the person's mental capacity to get pulled into figuring out what's going on
      • Eventually should trigger full blown schizophrenia
    • What to do in the unlikely event it happens to you
  • HOW TO: Convince a person to isolate and imprison themselves without realizing it
    • Description
      • Use passive/aggressive techniques to keep a person on a constant defensive
  • HOW TO: Violate a person's privacy and listen to everything (or somethings) they say or do
    • Description
      • Have you ever purchased a vehicle but had the misfortune of leaving it on the lot overnight?
  • HOW TO: Cause a person to confess to a given action or crime
    • Getting a person to create leverage to use against them
    • Both subliminal hypnosis and manipulation of perception are used to:
      • Extract false confessions from a person
      • Done in a way to ensure the person can't tell the difference between it and the truth
    • Steps in the Process
      1. Create a frame shift that doesn't occur at the resolution.
      2. The frame shift is delayed until the person responds verbally out loud
      3. On awareness of the response the frame shift occurs and the person experiences a shock of reversal
        • The response they gave no longer means what it did in the new frame shifted context.
        • Without any additional suggestion can cause confusion on it's own
      4. Additional suggestion is given to further disorient/confuse depending on the person 
      5. Suggestion can be given to hide any memory that the person is aware they need to keep to prevent loss understanding/comprehension of what's occurring.
      6. Finally, suggestion can be given to address the following:
        • Influence stubbornness so no matter what is said next the person will hold to it
        • Reduce any hesitation or reluctance to say anything next
        • Push emotions that could result in words said without thinking
        • Influence tendency to boast, taunt, threaten... all of which create an opportunity to pin the person into a corner 
  • HOW TO: Force a person to react/speak in a way that makes it seem like they're answering your questions
    • Description
      • Create the false impression someone is lying or hiding something 
  • HOW TO: Sweep up everyone a person knows (guilt by association)
    • Description
      • Use inexpensive spy software installed on a person's cell phone to record every other phone it gets near
    • Steps in the Process
      1. Install spy software on a cell phone to capture cellular data from nearby phones
      2. After sending data from each new phone back to you the software should automatically copy itself onto the new phone
      3. Build a database from all cell phone data captured to learn everyone a person knows and everything a cell phone can provide
  • HOW TO: Sweep up everyone a person knows (based on words or slang they use)
    • Description
      • Based on the "in expanding phases" version but adds voice recognition software to know when someone nearby speaks certain words or phrases
      • Only cell phone data from those who speak a certain way is kept
      • Examples:
        • Listen for the word "gym" to only sweep up people who work out.
        • Listen for the word "crikey" to only sweep up Australians.
  • HOW TO: Change part of a person into their mirror image
    • Description
      • Used prior to changing a person into their mirror image.  This strengthens the unconscious part of the mind and biases it toward taking control.  Works by "waking up" the unconscious part of a person's mind and then introducing ideas to cause jealousy, anger, pride, and arrogance to take root.
    • Prerequisites
      • Access to a space within 20 to 30 feet of where the person sleeps
    • Steps in the Process
      1. Send a modulated signal using RF or microwave at a power level strong enough to reach the person:
        • The modulation should consist of one or more of the "wake up" examples that can be perceived by the person's unconscious mind as they sleep.
      2. Monitor them to see if they try to switch rooms where they sleep
        • Sometimes their unconscious will warn them about what's occurring and prompt them to switch rooms or even leave the apartment for a time
      3. Don't give them any opportunity to get away from the modulated signal while they sleep.  The brain heals slowly from it but if they manage to avoid too many nights affected the effort can fail.
      4. After some period of time (usually weeks) the next step can be done using simple subliminal messages played at:
        • Low volume
        • Low frequency
        • High frequency
      5. Once the unconscious part of the mind has been "woken up" anything subliminal that passes by the conscious part of the mind is effectively hypnosis.
    • Examples to "wake up" the unconscious:
      • 'Want to see what happens next?'
      • 'Wait until you see what happens next.'
      • 'Over here! Hey you! Over here!'
    • Examples for changing who the person is:
      • 'Shouldn't you take a more active role?'
      • 'Wouldn't it be better if you were more involved?'
      • 'Couldn't you help make better decisions?'
      • 'It's not fair that you're here and he/she is there.'
      • 'I know you could do a better job.' 
      • 'He/she has had their chance.'
      • 'When is it going to be your time?'
  • HOW TO: Change a person into their mirror image
    • Source reference: Patient 0
    • Known by other terms
      • "Snatching", "Switching", or "Reversing" a person
      • A technique where mental exhaustion and deep hypnotic trance are used to "wake up" the unconscious part of the mind.
        • The unconscious part of the mind is slowly exposed through hypnotic trance and drawn towards consciousness.
        • As this happens the conscious part of the mind is pushed towards awareness.
        • When both parts of the mind have been moved to a tipping point then the conscious part of the mind is convinced to cede it's place to the unconscious.
        • At that point, the 2 parts of the mind effectively switch roles.
          • Aside from 1 part of the mind drawn to consciousness and 1 part drawn to awareness they're interchangeable
          • In practical terms it takes time to adjust and function again due to the experience each has in it's role
          • Traumatic accidents can cause it to happen, even temporarily
          • This is the source of the saying that someone "got up on the wrong side of the bed".
            • It has to do with waking up from a deep sleep too quickly
            • It shouldn't be a permanent condition normally
          • This is responsible for what's perceived as a "near death" experience in certain situations
            • The conscious part of the mind can briefly become aware it's not in it's normal role
            • Can have the perception of a dark place
            • Can hear things like:
              • 'You're not supposed to be here.'
              • 'Go back.'
          • Source reference: Not given
            • Right after an attempt occurred the person heard what sounded like a woman's voice saying:
              • 'What will you do?  There's a void/gulf between you and the distance is far.'
            • Then it sounded like a child's voice but was the person replying back:
              •  'We'll build a bridge.'
            • It occurred at night when asleep or almost asleep but woke the person up when it happened.
            • The room they were in looked differently once they were awake like it was being viewed under water
            • What was done may have been accomplished as a trick by regressing the person to a child
        • It's not known if the process can only be done once or can be repeated.
    • Steps in the Process
    1. Condition the person to be easily put in hypnotic trance state
      • Make something familiar or always around the person the trigger
        • Use a sound that's always present
        • Can be a sound that everyone hears but isn't aware of
          • The buzz/hum from power lines/transformers
    2. Wear the person down mentally and physically
      • Make getting a good night's sleep difficult
        • See the Process above
      • Make the person second guess their own perception and senses.
        • Create events that can induce paranoia
        • Get others to tell the person they're paranoid
        • Get others to tell the person they're stupid.
        • Get others to help destabilize the person in general.
    3. Continue and take them deeper into the hypnotic trance state as often as possible
    4. Once a deep enough trance state is reached and the person has been worn down enough being a series of questions
      • "Aren't you getting tired?"
      • '"Don't you think you've made enough mistakes?"
      • "Haven't you had enough chances?"
      • "Isn't it time to give someone else a chance?"
      • "Aren't you ready to rest?"
    5. The final commands are given
      • To what was the conscious (said while shouting loudly)
        • "Now stay there forever in darkness being aware but not conscious doing only what you're told!"
      • To what was the conscious:
        • "May you be conscious but not aware, an empty shell of your former self, until sanity is overwhelmed by loneliness and despair and you take your own life to avoid the coming darkness."
    6. To make the change permanent
      • Cause the person to become angry
      • Then to lose their temper
      • Finally to lose control
    • If it's successful and the change is permanent...
      • The person won't know it's happened
      • The person won't remember the event
      • But those with the deepest relationships with the person feel like a part of them has died.
        • Family members
        • Close friends
        • Someone they know is now distant and like a stranger
    • If it doesn't succeed and the change reverses (the person doesn't lose control)
      • Given enough time and will they'll revert to normal
      • During that period the person can have difficulty with:
        • Forming new memories
        • Using critical thinking
        • Applying logic
        • Expressing emotion
        • Forming and maintaining relationships
      • The shifting/pulling of awareness can be out of balance and mimic other conditions
        • Similar to ADD (attention deficit disorder)
        • Similar to Autism
        • Can be mistaken for:
          • Dementia
          • Psychosis
          • Substance Abuse
        • Can result is difficult maintaining awareness
          • Even staying aware of just 1 thing at a time
    • What to do in the unlikely event it happens to you
      • If it's successful... you likely won't be aware it happened at all.
      • If it doesn't succeed... you're fine.  But you won't be ok as long as an attempt can be made again
        • Identify the responsible parties
      • If it succeeds partially...
          • I'd recommend only sharing your condition with those that have a genuine "need to know"
          • Minimize the number of those who might be tempted to take advantage or cause mischief
        • Don't be surprised if the term "Zombie" is used in describing you
          • Charisma and charm are forms of unconscious communication
          • The part of the mind experienced in them is no longer the unconscious
          • You'll probably be more aware than you were before and less conscious
            • In cases where the change is successful this offers an explanation for the difference in personality/character that's typically seen
              • The person affected seems to have less empathy than before
        • The mind is best qualified to repair itself 
          • Except you now have 2 sub minds...
          • It's the unconscious sub mind that's best qualified to repair the damage
            • It experiences time differently so effectively has more time to spend fixing what it can
            • It was previously the conscious sub mind
          • There's little visibility into the process so Trust and Hope is needed
          • "Time is the only thing that separates us."
            • Both the time it will take to whole again
            • And the time it takes to shift awareness between the parts of your mind.
      • If it's done to someone you know...
        • If it was someone you were close with there's nothing to say that will make the situation better.
        • If you were made to listen to any statements like these:
          • 'Tonight's the last night for the person you knew'
          • 'There, now they're gone.'
        • Take every piece of information you have and piece together who it is that's done it.
    • HOW TO: Change a person into their mirror image (alternate version)
      • Source reference: Patient 0
      • Should the primary method of changing a person fail (or only partially succeed) an alternate version exists.
        • Is dependent on the person remaining unaware of what's occurring
        • Can take longer to complete depending on the person
        • Can use the same methods and techniques applied in virtual kidnapping (i.e. gang stalking)
      • Steps in the process
      1. One or more individuals begin exhibiting strange or suspicious behavior around the person
        • Number of times it's done is important
        • Needs to be numerous/significant enough to draw unconscious awareness at a later point
      2. Stress the person mentally and physically
      3. Cause the person to hear voices in a way that mimics schizophrenia using 2 different approaches:
        • Use subliminal hypnosis to induce the person into hearing voices that mimic schizophrenia.
        • Use methods and techniques for creating an effect to artificially mimic schizophrenia
          • Must be done day and night so the person's mind has no rest or break from it
          • Must cover all places the person would normally be
          • Must cover all methods of transportation to those places
          • Must use additional suggestion to prevent the person from deviating from the places covered
      4. Build on the voices being heard to create a self-perpetuating and self-deepening hypnotic trance state
        • The suggestion for doing this is simple and straightforward (it extends an existing suggestion used by hypnotists to induce trance)
          • 'As you listen to the sound of these voices you go deeper into trance.'
        • As the person goes deeper into trance their mind slowly dissociates into 2 sub minds and the following happens:
          • The unconscious sub mind is drawn towards consciousness and the conscious sub mind is pushed towards awareness
          • The tendency of 1 sub mind to be drawn towards consciousness and 1 toward awareness is undermined.
        • When a tipping point is reached there's little to prevent a switch occurring and reoccurring until the person is brought back out of trance.
      • HOW TO: Apply any other instructions to a person so it's affects are least likely to be noticed
        •  Wait until the person is staying at a hotel
          • If that doesn't occur frequently enough then provide incentives
            • Free trips
            • Complimentary hotel rooms
      • HOW TO: Make hotels an opportunity for identifying and cataloging people based on any given criteria
        • Source reference: 2 Red Roof Inns in the St. Louis area
          • 5823 Wilson Ave, St. Louis, MO 63110
          • 3470 Hollenberg Dr,, Bridgeton, MO 63044
        • NOTE: Expect to find the system turned off and not easily detected if advance warning of a visit is given.
        • Certain rooms equipped with the system are assigned to guests based on specific criteria
          • Often these are rooms closest to the office
          • Once assigned one of these rooms a guest typically must wait a night to request a different room
          • Can be identified by a guest having tinnitus while in the room and areas adjacent
        • How it's done
          • An RF (radio frequency) source of sufficient power is located close to the room
            • Can be the electrical wiring dual purposed for it
            • Can be something in the room made of metal like a floor lamp
            • Can  be the guests own cell phone, laptop computer, or tablet made to generate a continuous analog RF signal.
          • The RF can be utilized in multiple ways
            • Directly like a form of radar to identify the number of people in the room and when they arrive/leave
            • Indirectly by causing metal objects in the room to resonate sound and in turn resonate objects the guest has with them
              • Different objects have distinct resonance signatures that can be used to identify them sight unseen.
          • What is found in the process of doing this is supposedly not an invasion of the guests privacy.
          • Has the room you're assigned been equipped this way?
      • HOW TO: Execute a search warrant on a person without getting a warrant (alternate version) 
        • Description
          • Use noise in the power supply of an electronic device to induce RF in it's circuitry. This can be done by introducing noise into the electricity supplied to a residence or business.
          • For audio circuits this can generate RF that carries away information about the audio being processed - enough to identify and reconstruct the audio
        • How to tell if this is occurring:
          • With a lose connection between the power supply and the device a sound similar to what's made by a dial up modem can be heard when plugging and unplugging the power.
      • HOW TO: Make sure a person gets what you think they deserve (vigilante karma)
        • Description
          • Combine the following HOW TO steps to manufacture situations recorded for future use to fit whatever punishment you want inflicted on a person.
            • HOW TO: Acclimate a person to being told lies
            • HOW TO: Avoid having any conversation with a person by phone or text
            • HOW TO: Condition a person to see someone as they remember them (not as they are)
            • HOW TO: Take a person hostage in their own home
            • HOW TO: Compromise a person's ability to pay a utility bill
            • HOW TO: Shadow a person from an adjacent apartment
            • HOW TO: Cause a person to embarrass and humiliate themselves without drawing suspicion
            • HOW TO: Convince a person to isolate and imprison themselves without realizing it
            • HOW TO: Violate a person's privacy and listen to everything (or somethings) they say or do
            • HOW TO: Conduct a virtual kidnapping (i.e. gang stalking) of a person using their own mind
            • HOW TO: Execute a side channel attack directly on a person to extract information
            • HOW TO: Sweep up everyone a person knows (guilt by association)
            • HOW TO: Poison a person's unconscious mind
            • HOW TO: Change a person into their mirror image
              • Standard or advanced version
            • HOW TO: Execute a search warrant on a person without getting the warrant
      • HOW TO: Prove slot machines affect a player as hypnosis
        • Description: This can cause 2 things to happen:
          • The decision to "get up and walk away" or "stay and play again" stops being a decision between 2 equal choices.
          • The consequences of the decision to "get up and walk away" or "stay and play again" incrementally become disconnected from each decision
        • Goals:
        • Prerequisite: Define conversational hypnosis in a precise and clear way
        • Duplicating the effect:
          • Anyone with access to a slot machine can test for the effect on choice being described:
            • Walk into any casino and select a slot machine.
            • Avoid looking at it as much as possible and no more than necessary to play 1 bet/spin.
            • After the 1st bet, consider your options:
              • Do you get up and walk away from the slot machine?
              • Do you stay and play another bet/spin?
            • Do the 2 options seem about equal as far as making the decision?
            • Now you can look, listen, and gamble at the slot machine as much as you'd like.
            • After about 10 more plays, consider your options again:
              • Get up and walk away?
              • Stay and play again?
            • Do the 2 options still seem about equal as far as making the decision?
            • When you finally do get up and walk away - and assuming you're not out of money - do you catch yourself trying "1 more bet" as you leave the machine?
        • Steps in the Process:
          1. Show that any given slot machine (assuming they're all equal) has a direct effect on a person's decision to either "get up and walk away" or "play again"
            • Done by comparing outcomes when a person interacts directly with a slot machine and when they interact indirectly (through a proxy, can't see or hear the slot machine)
          2. Show a machine's timing and rhythm in operation has a direct effect on a person's choice to either get up and walk away or play again
            • Done by comparing outcomes when a person interacts directly with a slot machine and when they interact indirectly (through a proxy, where the timing and rhythm are either consistently or randomly presented to them changed)
          3. Show a machine directly affects a person's awareness.
          4. Show a machine can take the place of a person using conversational hypnosis
          5. Design a machine to intentionally use conversational hypnosis to convince a person of:
            • Something they know is false and can't logically be true
    • Infiltration
      • Also known as "sending someone in".
      • This no longer requires a person to do the work of joining a target group or network
      • The cell phone does all that's needed and more
    • Interrogation
      • Glossary of Terms
      • Leading the Mind
        • Exposing the Unconscious
        • Schizophrenia
          • Starting it through conditioning
          • Stopping it - will wind down and stop on it's own
          • Exit Strategy
            •  Push to medicate
            • Typically stops without intervention

        • Tinnitus
          • The sound you're 'not supposed to notice'
            • Heard But Not Seen: Tinnitus and Auditory Hallucinations on ASHAWire
            • Can be perceived as a:
              • Humming
              • Buzzing
              • Pulsing
              • Clicking
              • Chirping
              • Or high pitched tonal sound made of 1 or more pitches that also:
                • Shift in pitch
                • Screeches (may make you want to grit your teeth)
                • Can be similar to nails on a chalkboard
            • Can be experienced as:
              • Subjective (only 1 person hears it - no one else)
              • Objective (more than 1 person can hear it)
          • Primary source = electricity
            • This perception of sound is everywhere there's electricity due to:
            • EVERYONE already perceives and hears this sound
              • Yes.  Everyone.
              • But it's been hidden from nearly everyone's awareness
              • So it stays in the back of everyone's mind until awareness allows someone to find it again.
            • Why are you hearing it now?
              • Most likely a recent event that affected your awareness
              • Could be a recent event that left some degree of dissociation to your mind (don't worry, it happens)
          • Secondary Source = ultrasound or close to it (14 to 20 KHz)
            • This actual sound is from objects resonating like a tuning fork
            • Check for an RF source
        • Disembodied Voices
          • RF (Radio Frequency) Audio Effect
            • Perception and not actually a sound
          • Ultrasonic Demodulation
            • Cell Phones
            • Laptops
            • Tablets
            • Piezoelectric Transducers
          • Infrasound Propagation to Inner Ear
            • Cell Phones
            • Any speaker in direct contact with the body
      • Conditioning
        • 'You're listening too close'
          • An attempt is being made to cause you to hear more than is actually being said or there for you to hear (it's an attempt to give you schizophrenia)
          • While the conscious part of the mind is being distracted by the first voice  there's a second voice giving subliminal hypnotic suggestions to trigger schizophrenia.
        • 'You're out of time'
          • An attempt to rush you into a quick decision
          • Be calm, patient, and make the decision when you're ready and sure.
        • 'Pick One'
          • An attempt is being made to force you to pick 1 of 2 options offered
          • Don't pick either one.
            • Force a shift in awareness to break out of any hypnotic hold that was trying to force you to pick.
      • Examples
        • There are many different ways a question can be presented and answer interpreted  while also hiding it from the person.
        • Presentation of the question is critical because it's being asked of the unconscious part of the mind.
        • These are actual examples of suggestions/commands given to ask questions of a person's unconscious mind.  Each also has an additional suggestion for hiding it from the person:
          • 'Think of a memory where the answer to [some question] is.  Replay the memory and when you get to the answer say it out loud.'
            • 'Say it out loud but hide it from his/her awareness'
          • 'When you're about to do some action where the answer to [some question] is, get agreement on the action from him/her while hiding the purpose from his/her awareness.'
            • 'Let us know with a signal right before that's hidden from his/her awareness.'
        • Actions that can be used to interpret an answer to a question:
          • Tapping fingers - number of times a finger is tapped can be interpreted in a 1 = YES, 2 = NO format.
          • Yawn - sounds made during the yawn can be interpreted in a 1 = YES, 2 = NO format.
    • Monitoring
      • Deus Ex Machina ("god in the machine") is the best way to describe how monitoring works though the reference is both ironic and backwards.
      • Monitoring functions through hypnosis and suggestion to use the unconscious part of a person's own mind to surface actions, events, or thoughts.
        • The person being monitored effectively monitors themselves and provides updates unconsciously (typically without realizing what's occurring).
      • It's RF that provides the link between the person being monitored and any feedback consisting of requests or behavioral manipulation.
        • While using a desktop or laptop computer, tablet, or cell phone, the devices display provides a flat smooth surface where RF can reflect off and carry both vocal or subvocal unconscious communication to a receiver.
          • Requires the person in close proximity of the display.
          • More irony exists in how the RF signal can be used to create feedback to the display itself.  This amplifies it's movement at controllable intervals creating small pressure waves that spread out through the air.
            • The result is difficulty for a person to focus their eyes on the screen (so blurry vision) which requires moving even closer to the display.
        • Feedback works in reverse when RF reflecting off the same surface transfers vibration which results in sound which carries a short distance away.
          • Those sounds are spoken suggestions to request additional information or apply behavioral manipulation techniques.
          • They work across greater distances through a home or workplace and don't require close proximity.
        • While a person remains unaware of what's occurring they are nearly defenseless to prevent their mind being used this way.  
    • Behavioral Manipulation
      • Conditioning

      • Examples
        • Harassment and Invasion of Privacy
          • Address: 10319 Beau Jardin Dr. Apt 1, St. Louis, MO 63146
          • Neighbor living above the apartment would leave and another individual enter the apartment during weekday evenings.
          • The individual would shadow anyone in the apartment below by means of a hand held radar.
            • Example device: Range-R handheld radar on L3Harris
            • Would walk around the apartment and rooms above in multiple passes until any movement in the residents apartment below occurred.
            • The individual would then walk to the location directly above where the movement occurred and stand there until someone moved again below them.
        • Mock Intervention and Invasion of Privacy
          • Address: 10366 Sannois Dr. Apt 2, St. Louis, MO 63146
          • Brief description of the first incident
          • Neighbors living above the apartment on the 2nd floor were involved in the harassment until they moved.
          • The apartment had 2 piezoelectric transducers installed under the living room carpet.
            • Used to generate and listen to sound in the apartment
              • Started with hearing a single word or name in the vicinity of the transducers
              • Progressed to hearing sentences and statements
              • Different techniques were used to try and misdirect blame to neighbors
            • Ultrasound used for different effects
              • Voices that seeming to be heard in the apartment above
              • Produced when an ultrasound beam emitted upwards by a transducer was demodulated by the ceiling.
          • An AC magnetic field being generated somewhere beneath the floor extended up into the apartment.
          • A white noise machine was located about halfway between the transducers on a table
            • Sound being generated by the transducers sometimes was perceived as being from the white noise generator
          • Voices of family members were imitated
        • Virtual Detainment and Invasion of Privacy
          • Source reference: Patient 1
          • Address: 7250 Pershing Ave, University City, MO 63130
          • An ultrasound beam was aimed into the tenant's bedroom throw windows overlooking the building beside it and a property behind it.
            • Used to make the sound of 2 peoples voices seem like they were someone's own thoughts
            • Appeared to originate from the property behind the home
          • Power Lines for several blocks around the address were making unusual and load buzzing noises
            • Loudest within a few hundred feet of the address
          • Continuous staticky hiss in and around the home
        • Harassment and Invasion of Privacy
        • Virtual Kidnapping and Invasion of Privacy
          • Address: 11827 Lackland Rd, St. Louis, MO 63146
          • Power Lines for several blocks around the address were making unusual and load buzzing noises
            • Loudest within a few hundred feet of the address
          • 2 phrases could be heard/perceived repeating
            • 'Watch what happens next.'
            • 'Do you want to see what happens next?'
          • Around the same time 2 men in uniform (as policemen) staged a mock foot chase.  The intent appears to have been to mislead someone into believing what was occurring was a police or law enforcement operation when it wasn't.  Impersonating or misleading someone about being a police officer is a class B misdemeanor here, a class A if to a real police officer, but a felony in many other states.
          • When leaving with a box on a weekend, a parametric speaker was used to project the sound of a voice saying 'Leave the box there and we'll make sure he gets it'.
          • Most likely responsible: Private security company or group
          • Possible affiliation: Private security company employed by major businesses in the area.  
    • Hypnosis
      • How is Frame Shifting (re-framing) used?
      • How is Time Shifting used?
      • False Choice
        • By supplying more than 1 suggestion/command to act on it creates the illusion of a real choice.
          • This significantly increases the likelihood of the suggestion/command being accepted and opens the door to further manipulation.
          • More than one option is presented but both are chosen by the one presenting.
        • One suggestion/command is presented to distract the conscious part of the mind while a second suggestion/command is presented to the unconscious.
        • Examples
          •  What to watch for: actions like sniffing the nose 1 or 2 times, clearing the throat 1 or 2 times, tapping a cigarette 1 or 2 times.
            • 'Give us something we can tell you're ok.'
            • 'Give us something to tell you're responding to us.'
          • What to watch for: concentration and focus being broken for no clear reason
            • 'Make sure he can hear this.'.
            • 'Make sure he listens.'
          • What to watch for: an uneasy feeling like a threat had just been made
            • 'Will try this one more time...'
            • 'Will give you time to think it over....'
      • Hiding Memories
        • Memories are hidden from the person's awareness until enough time has passed that they're lost or forgotten.
        • Memories are not actually erased or deleted.
      •  Schizophrenia
        • How hearing voices is triggered
        • Examples of actual taunts/suggestions/commands
          • 'It's all in your head. Hahaha.'
          • 'It can't be turned off.'
          • 'We're trying to get you out.'
        • Yes, hypnosis can/is used to cause people to hear voices.
        • Suggestion/phrasing is used to access the person's own awareness so voices can be 'heard' saying:
          • The person's own name
          • Names of family and friends
          • Names of others the person knows or has heard of
          • Details only the person knows
            • Something personal
            • Something only the person knows
            • Something only the person witnessed
            • Something that just occurred/is occurring
            • What the person just thought
            • What the person just said
            • What the person just did
            • What the person is doing
          • Events or activities the person has planned
          • Anything that a person can be aware of
        • Can appear seamless and real
        • Can be perceived as overhearing others conversations or thoughts
        • Can be perceived as a violation of privacy - and may actually be
        • Examples:
          • 'Let him/her hear me/or someone say the words "...."'
            • Combines 2 false choices with instructions to hear an explicit phrase.
      • Phrasing
        • Suggestions
          • No one likes to be told what to do.
          • Making it appear to be an option reduces rejections.
          • 'Let him/her hear the voice of someone they trust.'
        • Commands
          • Sometimes commands are no different than suggestions.
          • Can overcome hesitation/reluctance to something they don't want to do.
          • Can reduce rejections in a person's "gray area".
          • Can slowly move a person's "gray area" over time and make something they wouldn't say/do into something they will.
          • 'You don't hear me.  You hear the voice of someone you trust.'
      • Selecting
        • Actual names are avoided
          • Suggest so they hear their own name
        • Suggest so they select themselves
          • It presents the suggestion as voluntary
          • It opens the door to further suggestions/manipulation
        • Suggest so they select based on something only they know
          • 'if you shouldn't be here then leave now...'
        • Targeting 1 person in a group
          • 'if you should/shouldn't hear this leave the room...'
          • 'if you wear a wedding ring...'
      • Interrogation
    • Transitioning to Harassment
      • Incapacitating
      • Mimicking other conditions
      • Warping Perception
    • Miscellaneous
      • Highway Hypnosis
        • The primary causes of highway hypnosis have been made irrelevant with the transition from analog AM/FM radio to digital
        • Without large wattage analog stations broadcasting in the AM/FM bands there's nothing to interfere with a person's own cell phone being used as described
        • Using hardware level functions in most cell phones sold today (and software based antennas) the phone is switched to analog mode and begins transmitting modulates RF.  Anyone with a cell phone on their person can then be subject to:
          • Hypnosis that's subliminal so easily bypasses the conscious part of the mind
          • Induced schizophrenia customized to the person
          • Question and answer sessions where subliminal responses give out answers without the person being aware of it
            • How does this work?
              • Have you ever been thinking about a topic but for some reason a single word in the middle of your thoughts was spoken out loud?
              • Have you ever found yourself sniffing you nose when it wasn't running or clearing your throat with no clear reason in a 1 time = YES, 2 times = NO pattern?
              • Have you ever repeated some action done a million times the same way before but one time it sounded completely different in a way that stands out in your mind?
        • As long as a flat smooth surface with the right orientation is nearby... the RF signal will reflect off it, convert embedded modulation to vibration, and the surface will emit audio according to how the original RF was modulated.
          • Clear plastic shield over the driver side dashboard
          • Display screen on entertainment consoles
      • Home or Work Hypnosis
        • Smooth flat surfaces that resonate to RF (but not typically glass like window panes unless a plastic or polymer coating has been applied) are again used to create the effects:
          • Flat screen TV
            • LCD
            • LED LCD
            • OLED
          • Laptop computer display
          • Desktop monitor display
          • Cell phone display
        • Residences can be altered without being entered when required.  Either way the intent is to introduce an RF source strong enough to create the desired effects but weak enough the signal doesn't travel far or interfere with other electronics.  Some ways that's done:
          • Electrical - the normal 60 Hz frequency electricity is delivered can be enhanced with other frequencies or modulated frequencies
          • An AC magnetic field can be created below the residence based on existing utilities
            • The magnetic field is used to cause metal objects with certain dimensions inside the residence to become RF sources
            • Sound nearby reflects off them as the sound's vibration is transferred to the RF as a modulation
            • The RF travels through the walls, ceiling, and floors away from the residence to be received by nearby antennas (that includes other cell phones) and the modulation converted back to the original sound
          • No modification is needed when a resident has a cell phone
            • The cell phone creates a shortcut to all the required capabilities
            • The resident unknowing enables their privacy to be invaded at will 
      • Level Playing Field
      • Other
      • Victims
        • How to tell if it's been done to you.
        • What was most likely done to you.
        • What hopefully wasn't done to you - such agreements are unenforceable and illegal
          • Were you entered into an agreement as a way of avoiding anything (something held over your head/blackmail)?
          • Were you entered into an agreement (even if it was willingly) but all pertinent, relevant, and material information was not provided for making a sound decision?
          • Were you entered into an agreement where any part of the situation was misrepresented?
        • Those responsible have been aware of this information as it was gathered online:
        • Legal recourse
          • Most likely outcome is a class action lawsuit against those who have provided any equipment, training, or expertise used as described in:
            • Any of the sets of instructions listed
            • Any invasion of personal privacy or harassment - even if the person whose privacy was invaded or was harassed is then included in it as a way to destroy evidence


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